Tag des offenen Denkmals
September 8, 2024
@Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR), Tempelhof
organized by Saubere Zeiten e.V.
Bauhaus-Uni Weimar
@ Akustische Ökologien und Sound Studies
photo: Kerstin Ergenzinger
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zehlendorf, Berlin
10., 11.7.22
Evangelische Grundschule Zehlendorf
BesenInstrumente wurden verziehrt, die Kehrpartitur gemeinsam gespielt und mit den Besen vom alten zum neuen Schulstandort gegangen. Fotos: Laura Maria Nußbaumer
Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig
ORF Kunstradio
11.6..23 10:05pm
"Walking my Bangalore broom through Malleswharam" by katrinem and
"BroomSongs" katrinem with Sam Auinger
@ Srishti Manipal Institut of Art, Design and Technology
Pariser Platz Berlin
8.10.22 4pm as part of
BesenCasting: 8.10.22, 10am-4pm at Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz Berlin. Choose your broom and join in!
17.,18.9.22 as part of UniCredit-Septemberfest der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Thanks to Max Joy and Straßenreinigung des Baureferat.
23.7. 15-21 Uhr Stadtteilfest Freiham, München
Dank an die Straßenreinigung des Baureferats München.
Special thanks to Max Joy. (Photo Andreas Hantschke)
25.6.22, 5-7 pm as part of "Around the Corner".
Ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen ORTSTERMIN in Moabit, 48h Neukölln und artspring berlin aus Pankow
Artspring Berlin Pankow
as part of Artspring bei den Schönhauser Arkaden.
Special thanks to Max Joy..
Volkschule Zwettl, Niederösterreich
BesenStunden im Rahmen des 2-wöchigen Praxisworkshop "Was hörst du vor deiner Haustür?"
(Photo fotozwettl.at)
21.12.21 BesenBallett having a snow session in Reit im Winkl on the shortest day of the year.
BesenBallett as part of The Listening Wall by Iris Garrelfs on November 12, 7pm and November 13, 4pm.
On Saturday, September 11, 2021. Organized by the Allgemeine Konsumverein Braunschweig in cooperation with Cultural Institute of the City of Braunschweig with support of Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, der Stiftung Braunschweigischer Kulturbesitz, ALBA, Braunschweig and Braunschweiger Verkehrs-GmbH (BSVG). (Photo Georg Spehr)
for the opening of the Humboldt Forum on July 20, 2 p.m.
(Photo Jörg Krauthöfer)
as part of BerlinLokalZeit, CLB Berlin
During BerlinLokalZeit various experiments with brooms took place in the almost empty inner courtyard of the Aufbau Haus. A BesenBallett performance with microphoned brooms and 8 players took place on Sunday, February 14. The performance was streamed in realtime with three mobile mics by Udo Noll to the aporee-server and from there directly transmitted to aporee radio.
as part of Linzer Klangwolke 2020 Sounding Linz
On September 12, 2020, the BesenBallett was out and about all day in small groups of about 5 people, playing with BesenInstrumente on the pavements of streets and squares in Linz. Towards evening, all the BesenInstrumente came together for a conducted performance in the city center. excerpt from the rehearsal
(Photo Christoph Leeb)
BesenBallett acts as a social sculpture.
As such, it creates new dialogues with its day-to-day urban spaces for performers and listeners in a shared experience.
Brooms are everyday objects and global cultural assets. Each “broom-type” has its sound and handling. From an artistic point of view, they produce actions that display their quality in the rhythm and sound of their execution; they are dance and music simultaneously.
The score KEHRPARTITUR is the basis of every BesenBallett performance and consists of various sweeping movements, which are the recurring audible and visible elements. Performance at every new place begins and ends with it. In between is room for variation, improvisation, and free sweeping.
The urban ground is mostly stone or asphalt. Action sites/play locations - where sweeping takes place - emphasize and amplify the sweeping sounds through their architectural form and surface. Urban space is experienced auditorily and in action as a dynamic living space.